
Elphill Technology Blog

What are the 10 Major Constraints in Hosting Free Wordpress?

People who are just starting with WordPress may think free hosting is great because it is, for that matter, absolutely free. But some limitations can influence your decision. In WordPress, there are two types of unpaid hosting. One is called 'freemium' which is a $0 tier that initially draws the users, but as soon as they hit the limitations, they need to do unpaid removal of them before using it

How to Arrange a Doctor Appointment on Online Booking Apps?

Booking a doctor online who will also take your insurance is actually not that hard, you must know where to look. Several applications will help you book a doctor without any hassle. But you need to f [...]

Visual Identity for Brands: Everything You Need to Know

Humans are visual creatures and visual cues help to remember and recognize better than any other senses. The obsession with beauty, aesthetics, and attractive approaches is noticeable in all eras and [...]

Can ChatGPT help in custom software development?

Artificial Intelligence such as Chatbots are the commonly trending methods that companies are using to increase customer satisfaction and simply the process. On top of that, using chatbots can significantly cut expenses as well. According to a recent survey, by using chatbots companies have seen customer satisfaction increase by an average of 30% along with a decrease of 25% in response times.&nbs

What do’s and don’ts need to be Followed While Sending Bulk SMS?

Bulk SMS is an extremely influential tool when it comes to achieving growth in business. By using bulk SMS, a company can get attention from a huge number of audiences. It has the potential to reach o [...]

Find Out the Benefits of Building a Mobile Application

Currently, in the fast-paced digitalization culture, businesses are facing many difficulties to make an impression on audiences. Now, according to the report, it is coming to know mobile phones play a [...]