Elphill Technology Blog
Since last year, Google has been voicing changes to their search algorithms about mobile searches. This year Google announced another change that includes dropping the site ranks that utilize intrusive interstitials, known to block content of pages. Google declared it will start breaking down on “intrusive interstitials” from January, 2017.
An interstitials is an interstice or interstitial space, which is a gap between objects or structures. This term can found in various fields – communication, arts, biology and physical sciences. However, in the internet, an interstitial is described as something in between. It is a page that is placed in the normal flow of editorial content on a webpage or website for the purpose of promotions or advertising. It is intrusive – more or less and viewers reaction usually depends on whether the message is entertaining or welcoming. An interstitial is generally designed to move freely to the page requested by the user after allowing enough time for the ads to be read or the message to register.
Since, Google claimed to lower the ranks of the web pages where there is no easy access of content to users. However, it also explained the type of interstitials it is going to block. It includes: